DairyCrop uses the latest technological advances to help farmers maximize quality and yield.
Farmland is expensive. For a dairy farm to be profitable, farmers have to use the land as efficiently as possible when growing forage crops. We help our customers increase their milk per acre with quality supply and expert advice.
We advocate for sustainable farming practices. Our goal is to maximize outputs and minimize inputs. That means using manure as efficiently as possible and reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers.
Our Approach
We help farmers not just by selling them seeds, but by consulting on management, giving them advice throughout the growing season from seed to feed on when to cut and chop, according to moisture and other variables.

Our Experience
DairyCrop has been helping farmers make the most of their fields for over 30 years. Our commitment to timely, accurate, and helpful guidance keeps our customers coming back.
Our Partnerships
Being a supplier in the agricultural sector means developing relationships of trust with you, our customer. All our products are scientifically proven to thrive the Pacific Northwest climate. We stay current of new developments that drive agriculture forward.

Soil Sampling
Routine soil sampling is a vital component of nutrient management. To get a representative sample, DairyCrop advises you on timing, handling, frequency, depth, sampling tools, and location. Sample analysis allows us to make nutrient recommendations to optimize growth and crop yield.
DairyCrop assists producers to sample at strategic times such as pre-plant, post-harvest, or as a troubleshooting tool. We can also help with post-harvest nitrate testing using our new soil sampler, equipped with the right probes for the required sample depth.